behind the milk house
The fifth generation of Kuehnert Dairy Farm (Nathan, Sarah, Andrew, and Brittany Kuehnert) are working to make their mark in the legacy of their family dairy farm. These four are taking Kuehnert Dairy Farm into a new direction with the opening of Kuehnert Milk House — the on-farm processing and retail facility located in the heart of the farm.
They have always had a desire to connect with their consumers on a deeper, more personal level.
Kuehnert Milk House will allow for us to share our farming story while inviting our consumers to become a part of it as well. We believe that MILK is God’s most perfect food. We want to provide our local community with milk and other nutritious dairy products that taste the way we believe they should taste. We want to rejuvenate the demand for deliciously wholesome dairy products.
Kuehnert Milk House has been a dream, but now we are seeing our legacy evolving. We are working to ensure that there is a future for our children and the future generations of Kuehnert Dairy, if that is their dream as well.
from udder to glass
Ever wondered how this process REALLY works? Because we are a full-time, working dairy farm, our products at Kuehnert Milk House come directly from our cows. You can't get more farm to table than purchasing from Kuehnert Milk House, located in the center of our farm.
Look to the right of our Milk House and you'll see the very "ladies" that are supplying the milk, butter, and curds you can take home with you today!
here's how it all happens:
step five
In true recycling fashion, the water used to cool the milk is used to water our cows and crops to start the whole cycle over again!
step one
Our cows enjoy an awesome life... access to grass, water and feed. You can see them right from our Milk House front door!

step four
Once we've collected, cooled and pasteurized our milk, we get started on putting it to good use: milk of every flavor, butters beyond belief, cheese for the crowds and ice cream that makes any tummy smile!
step three
Once the milk is collected, it moves through our piping system to cool down and collect in our storage tanks.
step two
Our robotic milker (yes, you read that right) is cow-activated. When a cow wants to be milked, she makes her way to a milking stall, and the milker sets to work. We track all of this through her very own ID bracelet.